Wednesday 9 November 2016

The Trump Era and What it TRULY Means for Your Kids

Political blog incoming... What does this really have to do with coaching your kids? Wait and you will see...

As I sat there, watching the results to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election come in, I thought to myself...

This is truly revolutionary. This is the first time in history that a candidate that has neither political nor military experience has been elected in to the Oval Office. This is change, whether good or bad, that the American people have called for. I am not for or against Donald Trump, but what I am interested in, is the fallout of such a monumental event.

I have seen a lot of hate and vitriol over the past few months to a year, on both sides of the dance floor. I have seen friends lose friends over such a divisive contest. The one thing I want everyone to do right now is take a step back and perhaps focus on the micro instead of the macro. What does the election of Donald Trump truly mean to you and you alone? I can tell you it gives me great pause as his run in office will directly affect all three of my kids. How am I supposed to coach my kids for success using Donald Trump as an example?

You know what? It didn't take long for me to figure it out. Here is a man who set out to do something and did it. Here is a man who has been successful and failed in business many, many times. There is only one way for me to coach my kids now, in my humble opinion.

Before I get to coaching, my kids are from the ages of 4-11, part of Generation Z, the Centennials, iGen, however you want to label them. THIS generation is the next in line after the Millennials and will be most affected by what Trump has or doesn't have to offer. THIS Generation Z will be the world-changers, the difference-makers, the ones who truly are the future.

So, how do I coach my kids? ALL OUT. You will not be able to live the life you want, where you want to live it and how you want to live it by working for someone else. You need to feel that entrepreneurial spark and go it alone. Multiple streams of income, active and passive are no longer for the 1%. Anyone can tap in to this. Will it be tough? Yes, absolutely. Will it take time? Absolutely. The good news is... time is all Gen Z has.

So, start now. Get your kids their own YouTube channel. Privacy is dead anyways, just check the social profile most kids already have on Facebook thanks to their parents. Start selling things on Etsy. Start a blog. Teach your kids that they can make money by not just punching a clock. Hey, it worked for The Donald.


Last note... My website will be up and running very soon with programs for your kids to help them in their upcoming years. Stay tuned for my Youtube channel with KidCoach Minutes and you will also be able to find me on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook in the very near future. This is real, people. Your Gen Z is OUR future.


  1. I've said this ad nauseam but it bears repeating. This wasn't an election. It was a revolution. The vote was a massive repudiation of the lying liberal media, the pollsters and the Establishment who arrogantly embarked on a smear campaign against Trump to help Clinton win.

  2. Interesting. I have grands in that age range.
